We’re reclaiming the concept of ‘Blessings’. Though it has its origins in religion, we don’t use it in a narrow or parochial way. It’s not necessarily about God or religion. It’s about intention, and sharing positivity in sensitive and precise ways. We all need positive articulations in our lives, encouragement, clear reminders of our goodness and strength, and support from friends, family members, and even strangers. What would a small social network dedicated to blessing look like?
Let’s find out!
Tools for Tough
One of the biggest challenges for many people today is navigating ideological differences effectively. Whether it’s a Thanksgiving dinner gone wrong, an awkward workplace conversation, or a more formal debate, we face important questions. How do we develop clear, strong, values-driven positions on issues, while remaining open to others? How do we argue well? How do we hold space for disagreement, and harness the potential for learning and growth in encounters with others? We’ve developed a suite of tools to help address this.