About Us
Welcome to the Witness Toolkit
is an open, deep, and fun online toolkit to support individuals and communities to grow and reflect on moral questions. It is for anyone who wants to make a difference with courage and compassion. Through stories, study, conversation, and practices, we are here to support you, whoever you are, to grow in clarity, creativity, and effective action.
The Witness Toolkit is an initiative of the Witness Institute, a 501c3 organization, founded by Rabbi Dr. Ariel Burger and Elisha Wiesel, dedicated to continuing the work of Elie Wiesel. It is through offering these tools and resources to the public that are continuing to honor the life and work of Prof. Wiesel.

Get Started
Reflect and Transform
Learn how to navigate your own morality with a sense of compassion and courage from tough conversations to sending blessings to those around you.

Tools for Tough Conversations
How do we argue well? How do we hold space for disagreement and harness the potential for learning and growth in encounters with others? How do we develop clear, strong, values-driven positions on issues, while remaining open to others?

The seven steps toward moral transformation
How can we cultivate compassion and courage in our daily lives? Dive into the seven steps toward moral transformation: Commit to being a witness, choose hope, celebrate questions, explore otherness, be wildly creative, take action, and pass it on.

Thou shalt not compare thyself to others
What do you aspire to live by? This exercise gives you the chance to pause and think about your values and to express them in personally meaningful way.

Sharing blessings
We all need positive articulations in our lives — encouragement and clear reminders of our goodness and strength, support from friends, family members and even strangers. Share a blessing and join our community of blessings.
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Global Community for Moral Thinkers
Witness Institute is working to be a global community where people can ask deep questions around their morality. Through connection, memory, and storytelling, both in-person and online, we strive to create a community based in compassion and courage across all different backgrounds, identities, and histories.
Dive deeper into your courage
Explore our library filled with conversations and articles that look at hope, connecting and working across lines of difference, morality, and wild creativity.